Critique on Policy

Karis’s Reflection

The critique on the sample policy helped me to improve my policy. It allowed me to find out what was missing from my policy. It also made me realized the important points that had to be included in the policy. Thus it helped me by having a better understanding of being more specific and what had to be enhanced to make it more detailed.

Jensine’s Reflection

Yes, the sample of policy searched definitely helped me in improving our policy. It made us more aware of what should be included in the policy and pointing out obvious points on what we have missed out on. It helps me do be more specific and more aware of the objective of the policy. Honestly, when we are asked to create our own policy, I was confused and we left the worksheets blank, now with more samples and detailed explanation from our tutors, we are able to make a policy ourselves. It also made me more aware of such policies for companies.

Janice’s Reflection

It helps me to know better what a policy should do and helps me to improve our policy. I realised how important the policy is as it helps us to have a overall sense of how the organisation should be. When we were writing our policy, we were unsure what we should write, so after reading the slides and asking our tutor, we were able to create our own policy, knowing what should be included inside and it should be realistic. So we were able to write out an appropriate and realistic policy.

Xin Yuan’s Reflection

The critique on the same policy helped to improve my own policy. It helped me to have a better understanding and narrow down on the areas i should focus on and what i should include in my policy. At first, i wasn’t sure on what i should include and what the policy was about. However after being guided and looking through a few samples, it gave me a clearer understanding. Thus helping me to improve my policy by making it a specific and realistic goal.

Kelly’s Reflection

The critique on the sample of policy help me improve on my own policy. It helped me have a better understanding on what i need to add in my own policy. At the start i was not sure of what to include but after looking at samples shown to us i have a better understanding. It helped me learn how to make the policy better.

Caryl’s Reflection

I’ve realized that without the policy, accidents can happen as there is no guideline for people to follow. Hence, after learning about the policy and what it does, it is important to create a policy for people to abide and not create any unnecessary accidents in the workplace. Not only that, this policy would have to be detailed to ensure that it clarifies most possible doubts.